Worldwide Travelers BOF
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Worldwide Travelers BOF

We offer information about independent or RV travel in countries around the world other than North America. There is no charge for the e-newsletter, which is distributed once a month. We share information by asking questions and sending reports of travel.

This page maintained by Kathy Howe, SKP #74769.

Escapees BOF (Birds of a Feather) groups are comprised of people who share a common interest. In order to belong to a BOF, one must be a member in good standing of the Escapees RV Club.

For more information, please contact: Kathy Howe, Newsletter Editor, at She will be delighted to get you signed up for the group and send you a sample e-newsletter.

Upcoming Rallies and Events Watch the bulletin boards at Escapades for WWTBOF get-togethers! We often meet over a brown bag lunch.

BOF Officers None For more information, please contact:

E-Mail: Kathy Howe, SKP # 74769